IRC Artist Spotlight – Patricia Forelle

Indian River County – Artist Spotlight!

The Artist Spotlight showcases local artists and how they see Indian River County in their own eyes. Whether it is a recreation of a scene or an abstract piece that was inspired by a location or business we want to include them all.  This month’s artist is Patricia Forelle! To learn more about this amazing artist check out the following Q&A and some photos of her work!

Special thanks to the Cultural Council of Indian River County for helping us select these amazing artists!

1. How long have you lived or have been visiting Indian River County?
My husband and I bought our home in Vero Beach in 2018. Renovations took almost two years during this time I explored my new neighborhood and joined the Vero Beach Art Club.

2. What do you love the most about experiencing our county?
The unique quality of this part of Florida; its rivers to explore by small watercraft and the flora and fauna found within.

3. Which part of Indian River County inspires you to create your pieces?
The above as well as the jungle-like plant life amongst the live oaks.

4. How long have you been working in this medium?
I’ve recently worked in acrylic. About 5 years. Previously oils were my medium. I continue to work in watercolor and graphite.

5. Are you self-taught or did you go to school for art?
I received my B.A. in Studio Art and have continued my art education in prestigious institutions in Boston, MA, Paris France and Vero Beach!!

6. What motivated you to dedicate your time to your art?
I have always worked in the arts field. I painted and drew throughout my childhood. It is something I must do. Almost like a calling.

7. What is your favorite area in Indian River County that is off the beaten path?
I’m sure this isn’t of the beaten track but it is new to me Crab E Bill Seafood…and the atmosphere!!

8. Is this a hobby or your business?
This is a business. It is my calling.

9. What can our followers and readers expect from you in the future in terms of creative expression?
I’m incorporating more figures in my work as well I’m working now on a series of 8 canvases to be hung together.

A brief bio…

I hold an M.A. from New York University in French Language and Civilization. I received a B.A. from Newton College of the Sacred Heart (now part of Boston College) in Studio Art. Additional art studies include The Art Student’s League, New York City, the Boston Museum School, and printmaking and graphics in Paris, France at the then American Centre. My work combines my interest and dedication to Art and French.

I needed to work after all this education! My first job was with Young & Rubicam Advertising in NYC in the Art Department. I was one of six charged with finding or creating the costumes or clothes. I amassed a nice portfolio of sketches and costumes realized which allowed me to submit to United Scenic Artists Local 829, a prized and necessary credential to be able to work on any and all theatre/film projects nationwide. After several years, I switched artistic gears to large interior design projects in New York, England, and Kentucky. 

I tired of the constant travel and through the lucky circumstances of meeting a choreographer in a ballet class began working again in “theatre”. I focused this time around on a small ballet company, a boutique opera company, and even a Baroque Music Festival- all specializing in the French repertoire! My work received recognition with two nominations for “Bessie” awards.

I had always longed to get back to the beginning -Studio Art. All the sketching was now not enough. I began to explore with watercolor, acrylic, oil pastel. The move to Vero Beach in 2018 was my artistic dream come true! I have a studio, I paint every day. I joined the Vero Beach Art Club where some of my work has been shown. I participated in a private art show and sale where I sold two paintings. I joined the Cultural Council. Needless to say, the pandemic has had everyone on reset. I am thankful to have found this supportive and sophisticated art community here in Florida.

We hope you enjoyed learning about Patricia Forelle and how Indian River County has been her home and also her inspiration at times. If you’d like more from Patricia be sure to follow her on Instagram and head over to her Website!

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